Some highlights from leading Trinity’s Central Societies Committee

Jun 2020

Back in 2019, I was elected Chair of the Central Societies Committee — a university body responsible for Trinity's 120+ student societies, supported by a 12-person committee, a team of three staff, and a rather large budget. I had always been a bit of a society hack, but I didn’t quite realise how big a role it was or how influential that time would be for me, both personally and professionally.

I’ll be writing a reflection on that period and updating this post, but for now, I wanted to share some links to the work we did, particularly the video below. It was created to celebrate 50 years of the CSC and features some famous — and less well-known — individuals reflecting on that time.

"Fresher approach: How college clubs are adapting to Covid" — Irish Independent

"Blueprints for a Lasting Space, As Trinity Plans a New Student Centre" — University Times

"The CSC has Handled Freshers’ Week Prudently. Universities Should Take Notes" — University Times

↗ Trinity College Dublin Covid-19 management group membership

↗ Trinity College Dublin 2019/20 overview of structures, inc. CSC